December 27, 2024~29th3We held the "FC TokyoFutsal Exchange Match" over a period of 3 days!
Belonging to FC Tokyo Futsal SchoolSchool students compete in a futsal match against the invited team!
School students and invited teams gathered at FC Tokyo Park Fuchu for an intense match.

For many of the 1st and 2nd graders, this was their first exchange match, and as they spent the day together, their sense of camaraderie grew stronger, and they ran and fought a lot!

The 3rd and 4th graders fought to showcase what they practice in their regular school sessions, and we were also able to see them high-fiving and celebrating after scoring a goal♪

5th and 6th graders are indeed the upper grades.In battles that cannot be lost, they threw their bodies to defend and cooperated with teammates to score goals, making judgments based on the opponents and allies. Individual battles and team battles unfolded with high-level offense and defense!

At the end of the interleague games, four players will be selected from each team to hold the All-Star Game!
I was enjoying the battle while communicating with teammates I was playing with for the first time.
When we scored a goal, everyone, including the bench, was celebrating together, and I was able to feel once again the beauty of football that connects us with just one ball.

The championship teamandMVPwere awarded at the closing ceremony!

Thank youforparticipatingintheinter-school matches,students and teams!