2015.1.20[Club Announcement]

Announcement of the 2015 J-League Preseason Match "Avispa Fukuoka vs FC Tokyo"

We would like to inform you that we will be holding a pre-season match against Avispa Fukuoka on Feb 21 (Sat) away from home.

[Event Overview]
□ Match: Avispa Fukuoka vs FC Tokyo ※FC Tokyo will be the away team
□ Date and Time: Feb 21 (Sat) 14:00 Kickoff (12:00 Open)
□ Venue: Level-5 Stadium [Address] 2-1-1 Higashi Hirao Park, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
□ Organizer: Japan Football Association / Japan Professional Football League (J-League)
□ Supervisor: Avispa Fukuoka Co., Ltd.

[Ticket Sales]
□ Release Date: Jan 21 (Wed) 10:00~
※Please check the Avispa Fukuoka official website (【URL】 for details on ticket sales.