
Notice of Yuto Nagatomo's appearance on NHK's "Tokyo's Number One Choice!" broadcast on 7/9 (Sun)

Yuto NAGATOMO will be appearing on today's scheduled NHK program "Shuto Ken Ichi Oshi!" Please be sure to watch.

【Broadcasting Station/Program Name】
NHK / "Tokyo's Number One Oshim!"

【Broadcast Date and Time】
Jul 9 (Sun) 13:05~
※Broadcast content may be subject to change. Please note.

【Player Introduction】
Player Yuto NAGATOMO

【Broadcast Content】
In the theme of "Rediscovering the Charm of Tokyo's Islands: Hachijojima and Izu Oshima," we are talking about the "Nagatomo Road" in Izu Oshima.

[Program URL]