第38節 2011/12/03(土)
観衆 39,243人
天候 屋内、無 気温 20.6度 湿度 33%
主審:松尾 一 副審:村上 孝治/山際 将史 四審:藤田 稔人
J2 第38節


北海道コンサドーレ札幌 | FC東京 | |
40' 内村 圭宏 45'+2 内村 圭宏 |
得点者 |
80' 谷澤 達也 |
70' 内村 圭宏 → 岡本 賢明 83' 砂川 誠 → 芳賀 博信 90' 近藤 祐介 → 上原 慎也 |
選手交代 |
46' 坂田 大輔 → ロベルト セザー 46' 田邉 草民 → 石川 直宏 69' 高橋 秀人 → 上里 一将 |
12 | シュート | 20 |
2 | CK | 5 |
18 | FK | 15 |
51' 高木 純平 90'+2 李 昊乗 |
警告 |
19' 坂田 大輔 61' ルーカス 78' 谷澤 達也 83' ロベルト セザー |
退場 |
GK | 16 | 李 昊乗 |
DF | 7 | 高木 純平 |
DF | 23 | 山下 達也 |
DF | 37 | 奈良 竜樹 |
DF | 6 | 岩沼 俊介 |
MF | 4 | 河合 竜二 |
MF | 10 | 宮澤 裕樹 |
MF | 15 | 古田 寛幸 |
MF | 13 | 内村 圭宏 |
MF | 8 | 砂川 誠 |
FW | 32 | 近藤 祐介 |
GK | 1 | 高木 貴弘 |
DF | 25 | 櫛引 一紀 |
DF | 2 | 日高 拓磨 |
MF | 18 | 芳賀 博信 |
MF | 17 | 岡本 賢明 |
FW | 24 | 横野 純貴 |
FW | 26 | 上原 慎也 |
GK | 20 | 権田 修一 |
DF | 2 | 徳永 悠平 |
DF | 3 | 森重 真人 |
DF | 6 | 今野 泰幸 |
DF | 33 | 椋原 健太 |
MF | 4 | 高橋 秀人 |
MF | 22 | 羽生 直剛 |
MF | 27 | 田邉 草民 |
MF | 39 | 谷澤 達也 |
FW | 38 | 坂田 大輔 |
FW | 49 | ルーカス |
GK | 1 | 塩田 仁史 |
DF | 14 | 中村 北斗 |
MF | 18 | 石川 直宏 |
MF | 32 | 上里 一将 |
MF | 35 | 下田 光平 |
FW | 9 | ロベルト セザー |
FW | 11 | 鈴木 達也 |
リーグ最終節は、アウェイでコンサドーレ札幌と対戦。前節千葉戦は、引いた相手守備を崩せない時間が続いたが、後半に修正。ルーカスの技ありゴールで勝ち切り、4連勝を果たした。今節は札幌にとっては昇格がかかる重要な試合。アウェイの熱狂と緊迫感があふれる中で迎えることになるが、優勝チームとしての力を証明して勝ち点を80とすること。また、続く天皇杯や、さらに来季に向けた自信をつかむためにも、シーズンの集大成をよい内容で締めくくりたい一戦だ。 対する札幌は現在3位。4位の徳島と同じ勝ち点65だが、得失点で「2」を上回っている。これまで粘り強い堅守からリズムをつかみ、1トップを起点としたスピーディな攻撃が持ち味だ。今節はその1トップにご存知のFW近藤を入れ、そこに2列目のMF内村、サイドのMF古田や砂川らを配置。この連係からチャンスを作り、最後まであきらめない戦いを仕掛けてくるだろう。 東京は、権田がU-22日本代表の活動から元気に合流、先発に復帰。一方で梶山は足の状況を考えて大事を取って欠場する。ボランチには前節に引き続いて羽生を起用。さらにトップ下には坂田が入る布陣で臨む。大熊監督は、「札幌は徳島の試合状況によって求められるものが変化するため戦い方が難しくなるはず。それに対して我々は、チームの本質をブラさずに戦えるか、次への試金石となるよい機会。集中力を増して結果をたぐり寄せたい」ともくろむ。 また、会場はドーム特有の雰囲気があり、ベンチからの指示の声もとおりにくい。だからこそ「選手自身が意思疎通をはかり、チームとして狙いをもった戦いをしなければいけない(大熊監督)」。対応力や集中力が真に試されるJ2のラストゲーム。勝利をつかむためには、いつもながらの冷静さと、相手を上回る気迫が必要だ。試合は札幌ドームにて12時32分に札幌のキックオフで開始された。
Tokyo Aim To End Season With Flourish
Sapporo was the destination for the 38th. and final game of the 2011 season. Tokyo had struggled to prise open a deeply defensive Chiba side in the first half of their previous outing but an improved second half performance, capped by a supremely skillful Lucas winner, had seen the team earn a fourth straight win. Sapporo would provide a different kind of test of the champions' credentials as the home side was still in the running for promotion and the expected bumper crowd and tense atmosphere would challenge Tokyo's attempt to reach 80 points for the season. With the Emperor's Cup on the horizon and with thoughts moving ahead to next year, a confidence-enhancing win and a performance to highlight the progress made over the course of the long season was called for.
Sapporo lay in at kick off on 65 points, level with Tokushima, but ahead by virtue of having a better goal difference. The side was noted for building a rhythm from its stubborn defence, playing a single striker system and breaking forward at great pace. Former Tokyo man Kondo filled the lone striker position, supported by midfielder Uchimura and wide men Furuta and Sunakawa. The interplay between those four was seen as carrying the greatest threat, together with the side's motivation given the nature of the match.
Gonda returned unscathed from duty with the Japan Olympic Team to reclaim his position in goal. Kajiyama was rested again owing to a leg injury meaning that Hanyu continued in a defensive midfield role, while Sakata earned a place in the starting eleven in support of Lucas. Tokyo manager Okuma commented, "Depending on the situation in Tokushima's game Sapporo may well have to alter their tactics and this could make things more difficult for us. We'll have to show our true quality and the game will provide a good test for the future. We want to increase our concentration and grind out a win".
The acoustics peculiar to domed stadiums meant that instructions from the bench would be largely inaudible to the players on the field, increasing the need for mutual understanding and a clear grasp of the strategy. To overcome a serious challenge in their final J2 game Tokyo would need to remain composed while exceeding their opponents in every area of the game. Sapporo kicked off shortly after 12:30 pm.
カウンターから2失点... リードされて前半を折り返す
開始から札幌は厳しい守備で東京のボールを奪い、切り替えの早いカウンターを仕掛けてきた。だが東京も慌てずに対応。しかしプレスをかわして前にボールを運んでも、札幌の集中したDFの前に決定的といえるチャンスはなかなか作れない時間が続いた。19分には相手陣内でルーズになったボールを谷澤が粘り強く奪い、左エリア内にスルーパス。これを田邉は前に持ち出し、ファーにクロス。ここに高橋がスライディングで飛び込んだが、わずかに合わなかった…。 25分には前線で連係よく、左サイドのルーカス→中央の谷澤がスルー。後方の羽生が視野の広いプレーで右へさばき、攻め上がった徳永がエリア内にドリブル。そのままゴールを狙ったが、相手DFにブロックされる。28分は高橋の大きなサイドチェンジから左サイドの田邉へ。果敢にドリブルで仕掛け、左CKを得るも、チャンスは続かない。徐々に攻守の入れ替わりの激しい展開になるも、ここまでは札幌のカウンターもしっかりケアしていた。 だが迎えた40分、東京の右サイドから札幌に深い位置までえぐられ、ゴール前へラストパスを入れられる。すると札幌MF内村にファーからスライディングで飛び込まれ、失点を喫してしまった……。これでさらに勢いを増す札幌。前半ロスタイムには、今度は札幌の右前線でFW近藤に抜け出され、中央へのパスをMF内村が見事なワントラップから狙い澄ましたシュートをゴール右下に突き刺される。2点のリードを奪われて前半を終了した。
Tokyo Stung On The Counter Attack
Sapporo began with grim determination in defence, regaining possession and looking to counter at high speed. Tokyo remained calm but on the occasions when they were able to bring the ball forward the home defence proved a formidable barrier and clear openings were scant and far between. In the 19th.minute Yazawa battled hard to win a loose ball inside the Sapporo half, then rolled a pass down the left channel for Tanabe to chase into the penalty area. Tanabe took the ball on and drove a low centre across the goal that evaded Takahashi's slide at the far post by the narrowest of margins.
In the 25th.minute the Tokyo frontline combined neatly as Lucas slipped the ball inside from the left channel, Yazawa dummied and Hanyu stroked it into Tokunaga's path as the right back stormed forward. Tokunaga let fly with a fierce drive that a defender blocked away. A sweeping crossfield ball from Takahashi found Tanabe on the left in the 28th.minute; Tanabe took on a defender and crossed, the ball being cleared out for a corner. The chance came to nothing and Tokyo struggled to create further openings. Despite the gradually intensifying end to end nature of the game Tokyo coped manfully with Sapporo's attempts to counter attack.
Then, in the 40th.minute, Sapporo broke down the Tokyo right, took the ball almost to the byline and crossed. Midfielder Uchimura slid in at the far post to force the ball over the line and Tokyo found themselves behind. The goal emboldened the home side who continued to pour forward and grabbed a second on the stroke of halftime as Kondo darted through the Tokyo defence before picking out Uchimura in a central position. Uchimura controlled the ball deftly before dispatching it into the right corner with a neat finish. Tokyo entered the break two goals down.
後半から坂田に代わりロベルト セザー、田邉に代えて石川がイン。攻撃的な布陣で臨むことに。パスをつなぎながら、サイドを起点にスピード感あふれる攻撃を仕掛けた。65分には椋原のクロスから→中央のルーカス、羽生とつないでサイドを変え、右を上がった徳永が強烈なシュートを放つも、GK正面を突く。このこぼれに右エリアのセザーが奪い、ドリブル突破からシュートを狙ったが勢いが弱く…再びGKに。
迎えた80分、森重がエリア中央・相手DFの裏へ狙い澄ました浮き球のパスを送る。ここにセザーが絶妙のタイミングで抜け出し、浮いたボールをトラップで持ち出し、シュートを放ったが、勢いがなくGKのセーブに阻まれた。しかし、このこぼれに走り込んだ谷澤がネット右に豪快に突き刺してゴール!! 1点差とした。
Yazawa Goal Insufficient As Fightback Falters
For the second half Tokyo replaced Sakata with Roberto Cesar and Tanabe with Ishikawa as they sought to bolster the attack. They continued to play the ball around but the emphasis shifted to the flanks where they attacked with pace. In the 65th.minute Mukuhara crossed, Lucas and Hanyu combined to move the ball out to the right and Tokunaga, arriving at full speed, lashed a shot goalward. The attempt flew straight at Lee in the Sapporo goal but he was unable to cling on to the ball and Roberto Cesar pounced as it ran free. Cesar dribbled into a shooting position but his attempt lacked power and Lee claimed comfortably.
Tokunaga produced another driving run and ferocious shot in the 68th.minute, the ball striking a defender and flying out for a corner. Yazawa floated the ball to the far post, Konno headed it back into the danger area and Morishige slid in but his attempt was blocked away by some solid Sapporo defence work. Uesato replaced Takahashi shortly after as Tokyo attempted to profit from set plays.
In the 80th.minute Morishige floated a ball over the Sapporo defence and Cesar's run was perfectly timed to beat the offside trap. Cesar controlled the ball neatly and shot; despite the effort lacking real power Lee failed to hold the ball and Yazawa was on hand to smash it into the net and give Tokyo a way back into the game.
Although Tokyo continued to attack the home defence held firm. In additional time Lucas held the ball up and Yazawa shot narrowly wide from the edge of the area while Morishige headed Uesato's free kick straight at Lee. Despite Tokyo’s best efforts Sapporo managed to hang on until the final whistle and claim the win. Conceding two goals late in the first half had been Tokyo's undoing as the side failed to end the season with a fifth straight victory.
Players' comments
"We had expected Sapporo to press very hard from the front but they didn't press as hard as we thought they would. They played a lot of straight early balls, countered a few times and took their chances when they came. At half time we discussed using the wings and stretching the play more. It felt like it was easy to make the ball stop and in the second half we made much better use of the space behind their defence, something we should have done more in the first period. The league is over now but the Emperor's Cup is still to come and we'll be up for the challenge regardless of who we play".
"We had wanted to win and not concede any goals. It was a total loss. We seemed to attack a lot but didn't manage many attempts on goal. We aimed to use the wings more in the second half and pulled one back but overall Sapporo concentrated well and deserved to win, I felt. We'll reflect on where we went wrong and look to put things right for the upcoming Emperor's Cup game.
How do I feel about my former club gaining promotion? I imagine some fans who supported me came to the game today. I hope we can both do well in J1 next year".
F.C.Tokyo manager Okuma
"The performance was neither here nor there, I think. Our opponents were well supported by their fans, we had a chink in our armour and they exploited it. Although Sapporo played some excellent football we should have had the concentration to withstand them. That's where the openings came from. The top teams in J2 and in J1 have the concentration to take advantage of weak points. If you can't keep it tight then you aren't going to rack up the wins. We can't change the past and have the Emperor's Cup coming up soon so we'll be trying to forge ahead in training.
Did we play our best game today? Well, we seized the initiative again. However, the top teams in J2 and J1 have real force on the counter attack. The team and myself have to be more aware of that. Looking at the first half today I can't help but think we have to reconsider the line up for the Emperor's Cup and J1 next year".
Consadole Sapporo manager Ishizaki
"Before the game we told the players we absolutely wanted to finish the year with a win and then sent them out onto the field. Depending on the Tokushima result just a win might not have been enough in itself, but anyhow we wanted to finish by winning. The lads played incredibly well, I think. Various things happened at the start of the year yet the players overcame the setbacks and have toughened up because of it.
Did our gameplan work out? I was asked in the press conference yesterday about players we had to watch out for and my answer was Yazawa. I think he's the key player for Tokyo. He scored one but apart from that we managed to stop him without resorting to fouling him.
It's still disappointing that he scored though. I guess this is what returning evil for good means"