第34節 2011/11/06(日)
観衆 9,292人
天候 雨、弱 気温 18.6度 湿度 79%
主審:村上 伸次 副審:山口 博司/前之園 晴廣 四審:竹田 和雄
J2 第34節


湘南ベルマーレ | FC東京 | |
75' アジエル |
得点者 |
72' ロベルト セザー 81' ロベルト セザー |
64' 石神 直哉 → 高山 薫 70' ルーカス → 田原 豊 83' 坂本 紘司 → 佐々木 竜太 |
選手交代 |
60' 田邉 草民 → ロベルト セザー 79' 羽生 直剛 → 上里 一将 90' 石川 直宏 → 坂田 大輔 |
13 | シュート | 10 |
3 | CK | 8 |
10 | FK | 14 |
17' ルーカス 47' 山口 貴弘 86' 大井 健太郎 |
警告 |
33' 羽生 直剛 38' 谷澤 達也 75' 森重 真人 |
退場 |
GK | 21 | 西部 洋平 |
DF | 5 | 臼井 幸平 |
DF | 3 | 大井 健太郎 |
DF | 4 | 山口 貴弘 |
DF | 2 | 鎌田 翔雅 |
MF | 6 | 永木 亮太 |
MF | 15 | ハン グギョン |
MF | 10 | アジエル |
MF | 7 | 石神 直哉 |
FW | 8 | 坂本 紘司 |
FW | 30 | ルーカス |
GK | 27 | 阿部 伸行 |
MF | 14 | 菊池 大介 |
MF | 19 | 岩尾 憲 |
MF | 28 | 松尾 直人 |
FW | 9 | 田原 豊 |
FW | 17 | 佐々木 竜太 |
FW | 23 | 高山 薫 |
GK | 20 | 権田 修一 |
DF | 14 | 中村 北斗 |
DF | 3 | 森重 真人 |
DF | 36 | ジェイド ノース |
DF | 33 | 椋原 健太 |
MF | 22 | 羽生 直剛 |
MF | 35 | 下田 光平 |
MF | 18 | 石川 直宏 |
MF | 27 | 田邉 草民 |
FW | 39 | 谷澤 達也 |
FW | 49 | ルーカス |
GK | 1 | 塩田 仁史 |
DF | 34 | 柳楽 智和 |
MF | 17 | 永里 源気 |
MF | 32 | 上里 一将 |
FW | 9 | ロベルト セザー |
FW | 30 | 高松 大樹 |
FW | 38 | 坂田 大輔 |
タフな5連戦を終えて11月に入り、第34節湘南ベルマーレ戦が開催。アウェイに乗り込む。ここ3試合は白星がなく、もどかしさも残るが、各チームに“東京対策”を取られる中でも、自分たちのサッカーからチャンスをつくり、収穫を感じられる面もある。ここからラスト5試合、昇格のプレッシャーがかかるが、焦ることなく一戦ごとに次に向けた修正を施し、着実に勝ち点を積み上げる。それがすべてだ。 今節から日本代表の今野が不在に。そして今日は高橋と梶山が警告累積のため、出場停止。また、徳永が昨日の練習中に首を負傷し、今季初の欠場を余儀なくされることに。そのため、急きょ下田を初のスタメンに起用、ダルブボランチを羽生と組む。センターバックはジェイド ノースと森重。右サイドバックに中村、中盤サイドは今季初先発となる石川と、田邉。FWをルーカスと谷澤が務める形で臨むことになった。 対する湘南は、現在勝ち点45で11位に。昇格の可能性は限りなく厳しいかもしれないが、ここまでの成績12勝9分12敗と五分。また5月22日第13節での対戦では、東京が先制しながらも、後半に追いつく粘り強さを見せ、ドローに終わった。今節は湘南のホームゲームであり、勝ち星を先行させるためにも、アグレッシブに勝ちにくるだろう。 それに対して、羽生のバランスをとる動きを中心に、慌てずに状況を見極めたプレーで勝利をめざしたい。チーム状況は苦しいともいえるが、まさに総力戦で「J2最終章」に挑む。小雨まじりで冷え込み出した平塚競技場。試合は16時3分に湘南のキックオフでスタートした。
Tokyo Call On Squad To Deliver
With the demanding program of five games in two weeks behind them, F.C.Tokyo traveled to Shonan to take on Bellmare in the first game of November. Despite a lingering frustration at being winless in three and the special approach taken by opponents when playing them, Tokyo were still creating chances with their style of football and had plenty to be positive about. As the season entered the final five-game stretch and the pressure mounted, the key would be to retain composure, focus on each individual game and slowly pick up the points.
Konno was absent, called up to the Japan National Team, while Takahashi and Kajiyama were suspended. Tokunaga had suffered a neck injury in training the day before the game, forcing him to miss a match for the first time this year. As a result Shimoda made his first-ever start for the club, partnering Hanyu in a double defensive midfielder formation. Jade North lined up alongside Morishige in central defence, with Nakamura at right back, while Ishikawa made his first start of the year with Tanabe in midfield. Lucas and Yazawa were paired in attack.
Opponents Shonan lay in at kick off with 45 points from a W12 D9 L12 record. Promotion was probably beyond reach but in the reverse fixture in May the side had put in a gritty performance to equalise Tokyo's early goal and take a point. With home advantage they were expected to take an aggressive approach.
To counter that threat Tokyo would need to retain their composure while adapting to the state of play. Much was expected of Hanyu in a central role, using his movement to control the team's balance. The side was in straightened circumstances and the squad was needed to take up the challenge as the final chapter of the season began.
A light rain was falling on a chilly afternoon as Shonan kicked off shortly after 4pm.
立ち上がりから互いに攻め合い、一進一退の展開が続いた。2分には田邉が果敢にミドルシュート。7分には湘南がCKからヘディングシュートを放つが、その直後には東京もCKから森重がヘッドで飛び込んだ。12分には田邉が右前線で仕掛け、フォローした中村が右クロス。ゴール前の谷澤がどんぴしゃのヘッドを放つが、GKのセーブに阻まれた。 ともに切り替えの早い攻撃を仕掛け、20分を過ぎる頃からはカウンターの応酬に。22分には田邉→羽生のパスをカットされ、湘南のカウンターを受けるが、MFアジエルの中央突破を下田が抑え、DFラインから一気に逆襲を仕掛ける。だが、左前線に抜け出したルーカスのパスから、エリア手前の谷澤が落ち着いたトラップで相手DFを切り返して、力の抜いたシュートを放ったが……わずかにバーの上に。28分にも石川がスピードを活かしたドリブルシュートを放つが、GKに抑えられた。 30分には湘南の右サイドからDF鎌田の攻め上がりを許し、エリア内で相手FWがクロスする動きにつられ、シュートまで持ち込まれるが、椋原が身体を張ってCKに逃れる。36分、今度は東京の速攻。中央の石川が右に展開。田邉がするするとドリブルで抜けだし、右エリアでDFを引き付けて中央にラストパス。ここから石川→谷澤とダイレクトでつなぎ、最後はファーから上がった椋原に送ったが……ワンテンポ遅れてカットされた。 東京は球際の強さを発揮し、ボールを回せるスペースと時間もあったが、湘南の勢いのある攻撃を受ける場面もあり、主導権を握りきるには至らなかった。それでも集中した守備で湘南のカウンターは食い止め、スコアレスで前半を終了した。
See-saw First Half Ends Scoreless
The game began in an open, attacking manner with play shifting from end to end. In the 2nd.minute Tanabe tried his luck from middle distance. Shonan won a corner in the 7th.minute, directing a header wide, while Tokyo responded by winning a corner of their own moments later, Morishige off target with his header at the other end. Tanabe pushed forward down the right in the 12th.minute and laid the ball off to Nakamura, following up in support. Nakamura crossed and Yazawa met the ball with a powerful header that drew a save from Nishibe in the Shonan goal.
The sides exchanged counter attacks from the 20th.minute. The home side intercepted a pass from Tanabe to Hanyu, releasing midfielder Adiel who raced straight up the field until stopped by Shimoda, who in turn instigated a counter attack from the Tokyo defence line. Lucas took the ball down the left and picked out Yazawa on the edge of the Shonan area. Yazawa took the ball neatly, turned a defender expertly but then shot narrowly over bar. Ishikawa showed his pace with a dribble and shot in the 28th.minute, drawing another save from Nishibe.
Shonan defender Kamata made a bold break down the right in the 30th.minute, racing into the Tokyo area before laying the ball off to a forward. Mukuhara flung himself in front of the resulting shot, blocking the ball out for a corner. Tokyo forged a fast-paced break in the 36th.minute as Ishikawa took the ball up the middle before finding Tanabe on the right. Tanabe took the ball into the Shonan area and drew a defender towards himself before slipping the ball through to Ishikawa. Ishikawa touched the ball on to Yazawa, who in turn moved it out to Mukuhara on the far side. A defender intervened and the promising move came to nothing.
Tokyo were aggressive in their approach to the ball and enjoyed time and space to play in, yet Shonan's dynamism in attack prevented them from completely gaining control of the game. The Tokyo defence held firm throughout and the first period ended 0-0.
全員でカバー! セザーの2ゴールで湘南を突き離し、価値ある勝ち点3をもぎ取る
ここで決めることができず、反対に湘南に押し込まれることになった。そのため60分には田邉に代えてロベルト セザーを投入。スピードで対抗しようとする交代策が奏功することになった。湘南も64分にはスピードのあるFW高山を、70分には高さのあるFW田原を投入してきたが、迎えた72分、谷澤が左前線での巧みなコントロールから、ファーに浮き球のパスを送る。このボールに、セザーが頭から突っ込みGOAL!! 湘南の隙を突き、気迫のこもったダイビングヘッドで先制を果たした!
【選手コメント】《ロベルト セザー》「厳しい戦いだったが、みんなで乗り越えることができた。個人的には、ここのところ出場時間が短く、その悔しさもあったが、それをピッチの上でゴールという結果でぶつけることができてうれしい。2点目は利き足ではなかったので、感覚で打ったが、決めることができた。チームを助けるゴールが取れたことが本当にうれしい」
《ジェイド ノース》「激しいゲームになることを予想していたとおり、湘南は全力で勝ちにきた。厳しい試合だったが、我々も全力を尽くした。前半は湘南に競り負けた場面があったが、ハーフタイムに修正して、森重選手とのコンビネーションで守ることや、ハイボールに対して下田選手がセカンドを拾って支配したと思う。そして攻撃陣とセザーの力で勝ち越すことができた。みんなでもぎ取った勝ち点3だと思う」
リハビリの選手の気持ちも含め、さらに信頼を深めて残された試合を戦っていきたい。(信頼とは具体的に?)たとえばセザーにしても、『なぜそこでボールを失うか? 守備をしないか?』という部分はある。そこで焦ると、ピッチの中で『どうして?』という言葉が出てくる。勝っているときは、そういう声は出ず、みんなで我慢してセザーを活かそうとする雰囲気があった。だが、焦りや早く昇格を決めたいという気持ちが出ると、そういう言葉が混在する。今日に関しては我慢してみんなで共有した。不思議なもので今までなかなかゴールが決まらなかったが、セザーが今日のようなゴールを決めてくれ、これもサッカーなのかなと。難しさと素晴らしさが混在する試合だった。
Cesar Brace Earns Hard-fought Win
Tokyo began the second half on the front foot with Nakamura and Ishikawa providing the main threat by linking neatly down the right. However, the final ball was frequently lacking accuracy. In the 53rd.minute Ishikawa led a fast attack, moving the ball out to Lucas on the left of the Shonan area. Lucas was unable to release a shot and instead drew the home defence towards himself before returning the ball to Ishikawa. Ishikawa shot but again the Shonan defence blocked the attempt.
Tokyo's failure to convert their chances prompted a period of domination by the home side that the visitors sought to break by replacing Tanabe with Roberto Cesar in the 60th.minute. Shonan replied by introducing pacy forward Takayama in the 64th.minute and towering striker Tahara in the 70th. Tokyo's substitution paid dividends in the 72nd.minute as Yazawa skillfully took the ball down the left and floated a cross to the far post. Cesar met the ball with a diving header that bulged the net and gave Tokyo a vital lead.
The lead proved to be short-lived, however. Just three minutes later Shonan midfielder Nagaki burst into the Tokyo box and went down under a challenge from Hanyu that the referee judged to have been a foul. Adiel converted the penalty and the game was all square again. Buoyed by the goal Shonan poured forward and put Tokyo under intense pressure. In the 79th.minute forward Takayama raced down the left and crossed, Tahara outjumped the Tokyo defence but placed his header narrowly wide of the post.
Despite the increase in intensity the Tokyo backline remained calm, defended heroically and quickly switched into attack. Then, in the 81st.minute, Nakamura embarked on a surging run that took him inside the Shonan area on the right. Nakamura cut the ball back to Cesar who controlled it with his right foot before smashing it past Nishibe with his left.
In the time remaining and three minutes of additional time Tokyo dropped deeper under the tenacious Shonan onslaught yet maintained their concentration to successfully seal the win. Cesar's double had earned Tokyo their first win in four games. In the face of injuries, suspensions and absences the squad had come together to put on a fine performance and dig out three vital points.
Players' comments
Roberto Cesar
"That was a really hard game but everyone pulled together and we came through in the end. On a personal level I haven't enjoyed much time on the pitch recently which has been disappointing but I'm delighted that I was able to contribute with goals today. The second goal I hit with my weaker foot just as a matter of intuition and it went in. I'm really pleased that I could help the team with my goals today".
Jade North
"We'd expected a tough game and Shonan went for the win with everything they had. It was a hard match and we also played to the full extent of our power. We were losing out to Shonan at times in the first half and we tweaked things at half time, the combination of myself and Morishige in defence and Shimoda picking up the second balls following high balls into our box. And then Cesar and the attack won the game for us. It was a real team performance that earned the three points".
F.C.Tokyo manager Kiyoshi Okuma
"We've just had five consecutive games and today's match was another example of how hard this season has been. We haven't been at our best of late, a little impatient and perhaps lacking some confidence. Persevering has been the key. I usually say that the team isn't comprised of only 11 players and we saw that today in an excellent, hard working performance by a team with several changes. Since I became manager I've always said that the next game we face is the most important one and nothing has changed there. We're going to take each of the remaining four games as they come.
We want to increase the players' faith in each other. What do I mean by that? Well, for example take Roberto Cesar. Sometimes we have to say, "Why did you lose the ball there? Aren't you going to defend?" If we're impatient, if we're hurrying, then we get the answer, "Why?"
If we're winning then we don't hear that because the mood is different. We played a very patient game today. It's strange how Cesar hasn't been scoring recently yet produced two goals today; I suppose that's one of the mysterious things about football. The game was a real mix of the brilliant and the extremely difficult.
What about Ishikawa's value today? I always want to put him in the team but because of his recurring injuries I've had to be patient. It was the same last year; just we needed him the most he wasn't available. He adds a special mood to the team and carries a real threat in attack. I'm delighted with his performance today. He defended very well and it was entirely appropriate that he wore the captain's armband. We want him on the pitch until the end of campaign as he’s such an important player for F.C.Tokyo".
Shonan manager Sorimachi
"That was a very tense game and I'm sure it was exciting to watch. We lost and I suppose we have to be good losers but I don't feel like that. The players were set a great task tactically yet performed very well and I certainly can't blame them for losing. We've fought hard to achieve the aim we set for ourselves at the start of the season and which is beyond our reach now. I feel I have to accept the responsibility for that.
Did Tokyo's drive to return to J1 decide the game? Perhaps they are better than us in terms of ability. The first half was a struggle for domination but in the second half they were stronger; it's a competitive society, after all. At half time we told the players that Tokyo weren't a team we could fool easily so if a chance appeared they had to take it. Looking back at the goals we conceded, there was probably a foul in the build up to the first one. The players stopped momentarily and that left a space for the opposition to exploit. The second goal came after some careless play and a lapse in concentration. I'm not pointing the finger, it's a fault of the team as a whole. If we can't overcome these problems we won't be able to improve.
Today was similar to many games in J1 last year where we made fatal mistakes that really cost us. Even with our motivation, the tense atmosphere and knowing we couldn't afford any mistakes we still relied on the referee and weren't decisive. You couldn't say the same thing about our opponents. I repeat this endlessly to the players because I want them to learn and to understand. They have to learn from their experience".